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EMQX uses Packagecloud to host binary packages

Zaiming Shi is the CTO of EMQX. He is a dedicated developer with a passion for distributed Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) messaging systems. Together with the EMQX Stockholm R&D team, he is working to make EMQX the best MQTT broker available. We asked Zaiming about EMQX, and how the company is leveraging Packagecloud to deliver efficiencies. 

About EMQX


EMQX is the world's leading software provider of open-source IoT data infrastructure. The company is dedicated to empowering future-proof IoT applications through one-stop, cloud-native products that connect, move, process, and integrate real-time IoT data—from edge to cloud to multi-cloud.

EMQX's flagship product EMQX, the world's most scalable and reliable open-source MQTT messaging platform, supports 100 million concurrent IoT device connections per cluster while maintaining one million message per second throughput and sub-millisecond latency. It boasts more than 20K+ enterprise users, connecting 100 over million IoT devices, and is trusted by over 400 customers in mission-critical IoT scenarios, including well-known brands like HPE, VMware, Verifone, SAIC Volkswagen and Ericsson.


EMQ's global R&D center is located in Stockholm. The company has over ten offices throughout the Americas, Europe, and the Asia-Pacific region.

How we are using Packagecloud 

EMQ is hosting our binary packages in Packagecloud, including EMQX Open Source edition, EMQX Enterprise Edition and NanoMQ.

We are looking forward to the new features yet to come, including package security vulnerability scanning automation, docker image hosting (and maybe other features we don’t know yet)

We are impressed by your team from below aspects:

  • Professionalism, you guys know the requirements before we knew we needed them, for example, security scan

  • Smooth integration, we haven’t had any trouble uploading the packages

  • Impressive up-time, we haven’t experienced a single downtime


To fellow developers

Relax, let the professionals take care of your packages.

It is true that there are free tools, as well as licensed software for you to host the package repos yourself, nobody stops you from doing that. But you must take operational costs into account.

Try to ask yourself a few ops questions before running your own repos:

  • What happens if my service runs out of disk space?
  • What if I have a million packages to index?
  • What if issues happen in the middle of the night?

Message to Packagecloud

We’d like to thank you for your great work. Keep up with the great stats and continue innovating!

Packagecloud is proud to be helping Zaiming and EMQX. We aim to continue building a strong and prosperous partnership with EMQX and all the IoT users out there.

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